Course Related Material

Video Lectures:
CMOS Analog VLSI Design

  • Prof A N Chandorkar, IIT Bomabay

  • Advanced CMOS Analog VLSI Design

  • Prof A N Chandorkar and Team, IIT Bomabay

  • Design Verification and Test of Digital VLSI Circuits

  • IIT Guwahati

  • Fabrication of Silicon VLSI Circuits using the MOS technology

  • Prof A N Chandorkar, IIT Bomabay

  • Digital System design with PLDs and FPGAs

  • Prof Kuruvilla Varghese, IISC BANGALORE

  • Digital System and Circuit

  • Prof S Srinivasan, IIT Madras

  • CMOS VLSI Design II:

    Video Lectures
    Lecture Notes
    Reference Material

    VLSI Technology and Desing:

    Video Lectures
    Lecture Notes
    Reference Material

    Digital VLSI Design:

  • Assignments
  • Video Lectures
  • Lecture Notes
  • Reference Material
    VLSI Design Virtual Lab Click here....

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