A general-purpose drawing program
and also a specific-purpose CAD program for circuit schematic drawing and
schematic capture.
Mixed signal
Is a schematic capture and is a an IDE for microcontrollers and electronics. It supports
circuit simulation, program development for microcontrollers and simulating
the programmed microcontroller together with its application circuit.
Mixed signal
Schematic, simulator and
A general purpose circuit
simulator with its engine designed to do true mixed-mode simulation.The
primary component is a general purpose circuit simulator. It performs
nonlinear dc and transient analyses, fourier analysis, and ac analysis. Spice
compatible models for the MOSFET (level 1-7), BJT, and diode are included in
this release.
Mixed signal
Circuit simulator
A mixed level/signal circuit
Mixed signal
Circuit simulator
Qucs is a circuit simulator with
graphical user interface. The software aims to support all kinds of circuit
simulation types, e.g. DC, AC, S-parameter and harmonic balance analysis.
Pure digital simulations are also supported using VHDL and/or Verilog.
Mixed signal
Simulator + Verilog + VHDL
Is a switch-level simulator
originally originating from Stanford
Mixed signal
Circuit simulator
Is a Verilog simulation and
synthesis tool. It operates as a compiler, compiling source code written in
Verilog (IEEE-1364) into some target format. For batch simulation, the
compiler can generate an intermediate form called vvp assembly. This
intermediate form is executed by the "vvp'' command. For synthesis, the
compiler generates netlists in the desired format.
Simulator & Synthesis
Verilator is the fastest free
Verilog HDL simulator. It compiles synthesizable Verilog, plus some PSL,
SystemVerilog and Synthesis assertions into C++ or SystemC code. It is
designed for large projects where fast simulation performance is of primary
concern, and is especially well suited to create executable models of CPUs
for embedded software design teams.
Verilog HDL simulator &
Is a tool to generate metal layers
and vias to physically connect together a netlist in a VLSI fabrication
technology. It is a maze router, otherwise known as an "over-the-cell"
router or "sea-of-gates" router.
VHDL simulator (doesn't do
Is a chip development program for
organizing VHDL and Verilog designs. ChipVault displays designs
hierarchically and provides for rapid design navigation and editor launching.
ChipVault provides hooks for performing bottom-up tasks such as launching RTL
compilers, synthesis, block generation and instantiation, and includes simple
to use Revision Control and Issue Tracking systems to help facilitate large
group design projects with multiple designers and hundreds of design files.
VHDL & Verilog RTL compiler
& synthesis
Is a waveform viewer that can view
VCD files produced by most Verilog simulation tools, as well as LXT files
produced by certain Verilog simulation tools.
Mixed signal
Wave viewer
Is a waveform viewer for the
output of analog electronic circuit simulators such as spice. It displays the
data as 2-D plots, andallows for interactive scrolling, zooming, and
measuring of thewaveforms
Wave viewer
Is a free software data analysis
and visualization application built on the KDE Platform
Wave viewer
A full suite of Electronic
Design Automation tools.
Full suite (electrical circuit
design, schematic capture, analog and digital simulation, prototyping, and
Is a complete set of free CAD
tools and portable libraries for VLSI design. It includes a VHDL compiler and
simulator, logic synthesis tools, and automatic place and route tools. A
complete set of portable CMOS libraries is provided, including a RAM generator,
a ROM generator and a data-path compiler.
Mixed signal
Design flow from VHDL up to layout, (VHDL Compilation and
Model checking and formal proof, RTL and Logic synthesis, Data-Path compilation, Macro-cells generation, Place and route, Layout edition, Netlist extraction and verification, Design rules checking) |
Electric is a sophisticated
electrical CAD system that can handle many forms of circuit design, including
custom IC layout (ASICs), schematic drawing, hardware description language
specifications, and electro-mechanical hybrid layout
Mixed signal
From HDL to layout and some extra
Magic is a venerable VLSI layout
tool. Magic VLSI remains popular with universities and small companies. Magic
is widely cited as being the easiest tool to use for circuit layout, even for
people who ultimately rely on commercial tools for their product design flow.
Mixed signal
Circuit Layout
Is a cross-platform IC layout
editor supporting GDS, OASIS and CIF formats. It is an open source project
licensed under the GNU General Public License. The project is under active
development. focuses on rendering speed and quality of the screen output.
IC layout editor
A tool for comparing netlists, in
analog or mixed-signal circuits that cannot be simulated in reasonable time.
Mixed signal
Dragon is a fast, effective
standard-cell placement tool for both variable-die and fixed-die ASIC design.
It was designed and implemented by NuCAD group in Dept. of ECE, Northwestern
University, and ERLAB in Computer Science Dept., UCLA. Dragon does wirelength
and routability optimization by combining powerful hypergraph partitioning
package (hMetis) with simulated annealing technique. It is a university tool
that produces high-quality placement comparable with commercial software such
as ITools (formerly TimberWolf) and Cadence QPlace.
FGR is free open-source software
for global routing, based on Lagrange Multipliers --- an approach similar to
what industry routers use, but with greater mathematical rigor and robust
performance. Unlike most other academic tools, FGR is self-contained and does
not rely on ILP or external Steiner-tree constructors.
Is a tool to generate metal layers
and vias to physically connect together a netlist in a VLSI fabrication
technology. It is a maze router, otherwise known as an
"over-the-cell" router or "sea-of-gates" router.
Detail router
Open Source - VHDL Verification
Methodology (OS-VVM) delivers advanced verification test methodologies,
including Constrained and Coverage-driven Randomization, as well as
Functional Coverage, providing advanced features to VHDL design engineers
while enabling them to continue to develop using VHDL.
Helps you perform verification by
providing a set of capabilities that access HDL signals and enable actions
based on changes in the values of these signals.
Is a set of Java APIs and tools to
enable Verilog hardware design verification of ASICs and FPGAs using the Java
programming language.
Is free software for designing
printed circuit board layouts. It has many features and is capable of
professional-quality output.
The printed circuit board layout
Is a free, open-source PCB editor
for Microsoft Windows, released under the GNU General Public License. It was
designed to be easy to learn and easy to use, yet capable of
professional-quality work.
PCB editor
Integrated tool for breadboard,
schematic, and PCB design. Targeted at non-engineers (designers, artists,
researchers, hobbyists) and users of micro-controller platforms
such as Arduino.
Breadboard, schematic, and PCB
KiCad provides for all design
stages through the same interface: Schematic capture, PCB layout, Gerber
generation/visualization, and library editing are all standard features. It
also has a "3D view" feature for PCBs.
It is available for all three major operating systems |
PCB schematics and layout
Is a discrete event simulation
environment. Its primary application area is the simulation of communication
networks, but because of its generic and flexible architecture, is
successfully used in other areas like the simulation of complex IT systems,
queueing networks or hardware architectures as well.
Electronic system level
Detail router
Clunky class library for digital
Electronic system level
Clunky class library for digital
Is a Python package for using
Python as a hardware description language.
Electronic system level
Hardware description language
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